Constant Element Properties Section
Applicability: Cranium, Synapse (core versions 0315+)

The Constant Properties section of the Elements Chapter contains fields for the element's melting point and boiling point. Both fields are editing in a similar manner.

Editing a Datum Value

The field's datum control displays a physical property data value. The data value is displayed in the units shown to the right of the datum control, in the units control. A green triangle in the data control's upper right corner indicates that additional data are available. (See documentation on the Datum-Units-Reference All Data Dialog for details on managing data having different status.)

Clicking the left mouse button on a datum control activates the Datum-Units-Reference Edit Dialog enabling you to enter a value, accuracy, units, reference and comment. (See here for documentation.)

Datum Commands Menu

Clicking the right mouse button within a field's datum control activates the field's datum commands menu.

The menu's commands enable you to copy, cut and paste values to and from the data control. See Common Menu Commands for documentation on the commands commonly found on command menus. Some of this field's more specific commands are:

  • Edit All Data: uses the All Data dialog to enable editing data having status values of passive, rejected or unknown. See Datum-Units-Reference All Data Dialog for documentation.)
  • Edit Data: enables you to view and mofidy the current physical property's datum. The property value, accuracy, units of measure, reference and comments can be viewed and edited. See Datum-Units-Reference Edit Dialog for detailed documentation.

    Each property field runs a set of verification tests to check the validity of an entered value. Specifically:

    • Melting Point (Tm): value must be greater than 0.0 K
    • Boiling Point (Tb): value must be greater than 0.0 K

    Cranium or Synapse will signal an error if the entered value fails a physical property verification test.

Example: Edit an element's melting point
  1. Open a knowledge base document. (Open a "working" document or create a copy of a document (see here) if you are just experimenting with this functionality.)
  2. Change to the Elements chapter, select an element and click the left mouse button on the melting point field's value control. The application will activate the Element's Melting Point edit dialog.
  3. Enter values for the Value, Units and optionally the accuracy Reference and comment. See the documentation for the Datum-Units-Reference Edit Dialog for more details.
  4. Finally press the Save button to store the entered value into the current document.
Related Documentation
Topic Description
Estimating Chemical Properties a short video demonstrating how to estimate physical properties using either Synapse or Cranium.
Chemicals Chapter the chemicals chapter contains numerous sections for entering and displaying data and estimates including the chemical structure section.
Elements Chapter the elements chapter manages information about the atoms used to construct the molecular structures of chemicals and groups.
Groups Chapter the groups chapter's main section enables you to enter molecular structure information.