Element Usage Dialog
Applicability: Cranium, Synapse (core versions 0315+)

The Element Usage Dialog is activated by the Elements Chapter's Commands menu Occurrence in Groups command. The dialog lists all groups in the current document that contain the current element.

Dialog Controls

The dialog lists all groups containing the current element. Clickling the left mouse button on a group displays that group's molecular structure.

Element Control: displays the name of the current element.
Groups Found Control: displays those groups in the current document that contain one or more occurrences of the current element.
Structure Control: displays the molecular structure of the currently selected group.
Goto Button: pressing this button closes the dialog, changes to the Groups Chapter, and changes to the page displaying the values of the selected group.
Groups Found Commands Menu

Clicking the right mouse button on the Groups Found list control activates the control's commands menu. This menu contains commands for copying the name of the selected group and for copy the names of all groups found.

Related Documentation
Topic Description
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Getting Started using Cranium provides a quick tour of Cranium's capabilities including a discussion of structure editing.
Estimating Chemical Properties a short video demonstrating how to estimate the physical properties of chemicals using either Synapse or Cranium.
Estimating Mixture Properties a short video demonstrating how to estimate the physical properties of mixtures using either Synapse or Cranium.