Update: Triangular Graph Documents are now Graph Documents

Beginning with Synapse 3.0 and Cranium 4.0 (Core Version 317), the functionality of the XY Graph documents and Triangular Graph documents have been combined into a single Graph document with chapters for xy graphs and triangular graphs. Please see the documentation on Graph Documents for details on working with graphs and the documentation on converting graphs for details on how to convert previous version graphs.

Triangular Data Information Section
Applicability: Cranium, Synapse (core versions 0315 and 0316)

The Descriptive Information Section of the Triangular Graphs Chapter contains properties used to identify and reference triangular graphs. The section contains six fields: X Variable field; Y Variable field; Z Variable field; Reference field; Keywords field; Units field.

X, Y, Z Variable Fields

The X, Y and Z Variable fields contain descriptions of the variables displayed in the triangular graph. These descriptions do not have to equal the labels used in the triangular graph.

You edit a variable field like other text fields. Clicking the left mouse button on the field's datum control activates the edit dialog. See documentation on the Text Edit Dialog for editing details

Keywords Field

The Keywords field contains one or more keywords separated by a semicolon (";"). These keywords can be used to organize triangular graphs.

You edit a variable field similar to how you edit other text fields. Clicking the left mouse button on the field's datum control activates the edit dialog. See documentation on the Keywords Dialog for editing details.

Units Field

The Units field contains the units used in the triangular graph. The value in this field is for information purposes, i.e., changing the field's value will not change the units of the associated data. Although this field can contain any text value, its values are typically limited to: Mole fraction; Mole percent; Weight fraction; Weight percent.

You edit the Units field similar to how you edit other text fields. Clicking the left mouse button on the field's datum control activates the edit dialog. See documentation on the Text-Reference Edit Dialog for editing details.

Reference Field

The Reference field stores a reference for the current triangular graph. This reference can be any value but we recommend that it corresponds to the name of one of the references in the current document. This will enable Cranium and Synapse to easily find details about the graph's reference.

You edit the Reference field similar to how you edit other text fields. Clicking the left mouse button on the field's datum control activates the edit dialog. See documentation on the Text-Reference Edit Dialog for editing details.

Related Documentation
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