Mixture Selection Candidates Section
Applicability: Synapse (core versions 0315+)

The result of a mixture selection is a list of mixture candidates, their validity, and their associated distances calculated for each selection constraint. These results are displayed in the Candidates Section.

The Candidates Section contains one large table and two small graphs.

Tabular Display: the section's table control displays the results for each candidate mixture. These results include the number of invalid constraints, the overall distance, and the distance from the goal value of each constraint. (See below.)
Bar Graphs: the section's horizontal bar graphs control displays the results for each selection constraint. Each bar graph shows the results for a specific constraint. The bar graph's left red section represents the percentage of candidates whose constraint value is less than the constraint's minimum. The bar graph's middle green section represents the percentage of candidates whose constraint value is within the constraints minimum and maximum values. The bar graph's right red section represents the percentage of candidates whose constraint value is greater than the constraint's maximum value. (See below.)
Profile Graphs: the section's profile graphs control displays the calculated constraint values for for each mixture candidate. Profile graphs are a very useful tool for identifying constraints that are too tight or too loose as well as relationships between constraints. (See below.)
Tabular Display

The section's table control displays each candidate's name, validity, overall distance measure, and specific distance measure for each constraint.

Mixture Candidate Column: displays the name of the candidate mixture retrieved from the associated knowledge base.
Invalid Constraints Column: displays the number of constraints the mixture candidate did not satisfy.
Overall Distance Column: displays a measure of the distance between constraint values for this candidate and constraint goals. To account for different magnitudes of each constraint value, the calculation of this overall distance measure normalizes each individual distance by its range:

in which goali is the goal value of constraint i and valuei is the value of constraint i evaluated for the current candidate.

Distance Column: displays the distance between a constraint value for this candidate and the constraint's goal. This distance is calculated by the following equation:

in which goali is the goal value of constraint i and valuei is the value of constraint i evaluated for the current candidate.

Distance Column: each column in the table's right data pane displays the distance value for a specific constraint.
Editing Tabular Data

Clicking the left mouse button on the section's table control activates the Mixture Candidates Dialog.

Table Control: displays the name, validity, overall distance, and specific distance of each candidate mixture.
Detail Button: selecting one candidate mixture row in the Table Control enables the Detail button. Pressing the Detail button activates the Mixture Candidate dialog. See Mixture Candidate Detail dialog for details.
Sort Button: selecting more than one candidate mixture row in the Table Control enables the Sort button. Pressing the Sort button activates the Sort Attribute dialog. The dialog enables you to sort the selected candidates by name, validity, overall distance, and specific distance in ascending or descending order.
Clear Button: removes the selected candidates and their results. Before manually removing candidates, we recommend you consider if there are any additional constraints that would perform the same removals. Also, if you do manually remove candidates, we recommend you document the reasons for this removal in the General Notes Section at the bottom of the selection's page.
Undo Button: reverses the effect of the previous command.
Select All Button: selects all rows in the Table Control.
Copy Button: copies all values from the Table Control's selected rows to the clipboard.
Bookmark Button: activates the Select Bookmark Dialog which enables you to add the selected candidates to a bookmark. Adding some of the selected candidates, e.g., all valid candidates or all candidates that did not satisfy a specific constraint, is a very useful first step in the further analysis of candidates. Using the bookmark you can quickly view additional physical property data and perform estimations and calculations on the candidates. (See Using Bookmarks for additional documentation.)
Save Button: saves all changes into the current selection document.
Tip: Check individual distances for invalid candidates

If a candidate does not satisfy one or more constraints, its overall distance measure cannot be calculated. However, individual distance measures will be calculated and displayed for those constraints the candidate does satifiy.

It can be very helpful to examine which constraints were not satisfied by many candidates as well as which constraints were satisified by many candidates. This analysis can be helpful to determine if certain constraints should be relaxed or tightened.

Example: Editing tabularly displayed selection candidates
  1. Open the MKS Mixture Selection Examples document. Save a "working" copy of the document. (See documentation on Copying Documents for details.)
  2. Change to the Selections chapter and navigate to the page displaying the "Mixture Selection, Example 002 - Density Match [MKS]" selection.
  3. Scroll to the Candidates Section and click the left mouse button on the section's large table control. The application activates the Mixture Candidates dialog.
  4. The example selection already has several mixture candidates. Click the left mouse button one of the displayed entries and press the dialog's Detail button. The application activates the Mixture Candidate Detail dialog.

    The image shows that the displayed candidate satisfies both of the imposed constraints. (Note that the candidate just barely satifies the second constraint.)

Bar Graphs

Synapse displays selection candidates' constraint values on horizontal bar graphs. These graphs summarize the results of all constraints and are useful in identifying constraints that are too tight or too relaxed.

The three sections of each bar graph represent:
The percentage of candidates who value for the given constraint is below the constraint's minimum value.
The percentage of candidates who value for the given constraint is between the constraint's minimum and maximum values.
The percentage of candidates who value for the given constraint is above the constraint's maximum value.
Analyzing Bar Graphs

Clicking the left mouse button on the bar graph field activates the Bar Graph Exam dialog.

See the example below for an introduction to the analysis of bar graphs. See the documentation for the Bars Graph Exam Dialog for complete details.

Example: Examining a selection result's bar graphs
  1. Open the MKS Mixture Selection Examples document. (We will not be making any changes in this example so there is no need to save a "working" copy of the document.)
  2. Change to the Selections chapter and navigate to the page displaying the "Mixture Selection, Example 002 - Density Match [MKS]" selection.
  3. The example selection already contains several mixture candidates. Scroll to the Candidates Section and click the left mouse button on the section's horizontal bar graph control. The application activates the Bar Graph Exam dialog. (See documentation on the Bar Graph Exam Dialog for details.)
  4. Click the left mouse button on the middle green section of the Liquid Density at 20 C bar graph, i.e., the first bar graph. Synapse will display the mixture candidates whose value for the liquid density constraint are in the selected range.
  5. Hold the cnrl button down on the keyboard and click the left mouse button on the middle green section of the Liquid Density at 353.15 K bar graph, i.e., the second bar graph. You will see that the middle green sections of both the first and second constraint are highlighted. The Candidates list control displays the union of the candidates whose values are in both of these ranges.
  6. Click the left mouse button on the Set Operation control and select the 'Intersection of Candidates' option. The Candidates control now displays those candidates that have constraint values in both middle green sections.
    Click the left mouse button on a bar graph segment to display those candidates having constraint values within that range.
    Hold down the keyboard's cntrl key and click the left mouse button on another bar graph segment to display those candidates having constraint values within the combination of ranges.
    Select the Set Operation to display either the union or intersection of the selected candidates.
    The Candidates control will use your bar graph segment selections and the selected Set Operation to display the resulting candidates.
Profile Graphs

Synapse displays selection candidates' constraint values on profile graphs. These graphs enable the display of multiple axes and are very useful in identifying correlations between contraints as well as identifying constraints that are too tight or too loose.

The name of the constraint is displayed above each profile graph axis.
The goal value of each constraint is shown as a blue diamond on each profile graph axis.
The minimum limit of each constraint is shown at the left side of each profile graph axis.
The maximum limit of each constraint is shown at the right side of each profile graph axis.
Each candidate's constraint values are connected by lines from each graph axis.
Analyzing Profile Graphs

Clicking the left mouse button on the profile graph field activates the Profile Graph Exam dialog.

See the documentation on the Profile Graph Exam Dialog for details.

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