Triangular Graph Dataset Section
Applicability: Cranium, Synapse (core version 0317+)
Click here for documentation on previous versions

The Triangular Datasets Section contains a single field that manages the data sets displayed in the Graph Section.

Datasets Field

Data displayed on a graph is divided into datasets. Each dataset has its own display attributes, e.g., symbol, colors, lines, etc. A dataset contains all or a portion of values contained in a Data Set.

The Datasets Field displays a table containing three columns: 1) the name of the selected Data Set; 2) the segment of values that should be displayed; 3) the symbol/line to be used when drawing the data values on the graph.

Clicking the left mouse button on the field activates the Edit Datasets Dialog.

The dialog provides buttons and commands for editing, copying, pasting and sorting individual data set entries.

  • Edit: selecting a row and pressing the Edit button activates the Edit Dataset dialog enabling you to specify or change a dataset's attributes.
  • Commands: activates the commands menu enabling you copy, paste, clear, insert and delete rows of the data sets table.
  • Sort: selecting two or more rows and pressing the Sort button activates the Sort Attribute dialog. The dialog will sort the selected rows according to the selected property and order.
  • Add Rows: adds rows to the end of the data sets table.

Seleting a row and pressing the Edit button activates the Edit Dataset dialog.

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